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Kris Kylven & Band Live - "From here to eternity&qu

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Mέλος από: Aug 30, 2012
Μηνύματα: 36

ΜήνυμαΣτάλθηκε: Κυριακή 12 Ιαν 2014, 21:02 GMT    Τίτλος Μηνύματος: Kris Kylven & Band Live - "From here to eternity&qu Απαντηση με παραβολή κειμένου

KRIS KYLVEN & Band LIVE - "From here to eternity"

Friday 17/1/2014
Seven Sins Club

Opening DJs George P & Antonis S.

O KRIS KYLVEN επιστρέφει στην Ελλάδα για να μας παρουσιάσει την νέα του δουλειά "From here to eternity" που περιλαμβάνει remixes από Siouxsie & the Banshees, Das Ich. Einsturzende Neubauten, Male or Female (Front242), Scary Valentine, Marilyn Manson, Juno Reactor, Snog και όχι μόνο !

Το Seven Sins Club και η Darknet Promotion παρουσιαζούν τον θρύλο Kris Kylven που με τις κυκλοφορίες του ως UX, SUB UNITY NETTWERK & FAITHEALERS και τις συνεργασίες του με μπάντες όπως οι Killing Joke, The 69 Eyes, Juno Reactor, Implant κλπ άφησε ανεξίτηλο το στίγμα του στην μουσική σκηνή και επηρέασε τις επόμενες γενιές !

Ενα ηχητικό ταξείδι με LIVE digital drums, visuals και μελωδίες που συγκλονίζουν που δεν πρέπει να χάσετε...

Price: 8 euro with Beer or wine
Doors open: 00:00

Event info: https://www.facebook.com/events/671550032896162

Seven Sins Club & Live Stage
Θεμιστοκλέους & Γαμβέτα 5, Πλατεία Κάνιγγος, Αθήνα
Τηλ : 6983475970 / 6945399717

Featuring: Siouxsie & the Banshees, Einstürzende Neubauten, Das Ich, Marilyn Manson, Scary Valentine, Male Or Female (Front242), Jan Rechberger (Amorphis), The Dark Covent ...

+ Including Artwork and Printable Leaflets Pages



Born French, (From A Corsican, Arabian & Canadian Family)
Producer. Composer, Singer, Electronic Drummer & DJ...

Kris Kylven has been producing many records for the past 15 years from Trance to Electro, Industrial to Chill Out...

He's been involved in many projects:

- Killing Joke (Ex - occasional Drummer & Remixer) [UK]
- UX (Killing Joke's Youth Label Dragonfly Recs ) [UK]
- Kris kylven & Syb~Sonic (Chill-Out Side Project) [FIN]
- Kris kylven aka (K+K) (Juno Reactor's Label Atomic Reactor) [UK]
- the Faithealers (Tim Schuldt's Label Aurinko Recs) [Germany]
- Kris Kylven & Band (Remixes & Reworks Live Incarnation & VJ) [Slovenia/Finland]
- Dysmortal (Electro/Industrial With pAn from pAn & The Green 9 Slug) [Denmark/Slovenia/Finland]
- The 69 eyes [Fin] ( Remixer / Co arranger )
- The Stars Shrink Shooters [Japan]
- Kloq ( occasional Drummer ) [UK]
- Eon Project (Transient Recs .. Futurelectronik Ltd) [UK]
- Holeg & The Spies (" Live " Electronic Drummer) [FR / Japan]
- Kiwa (Ex - Electronic Drummer) [FIN]
- Syb Unity Nettwerk (Transient records..Flying Rhino Recs) [UK]
- Morgane (New Electro/Industrial/experimental Project) [Slovenia/Finland]
& many more...

Some of his latest Remixes & Collaboration:
Snog - Planet Of Shit [Remix And Re-Construction] [Psy Harmonics/Metropolis Recs U.S]
Dj sebastian & Kris kylven - The Poison [EP]
Viola - Deepspeed [Re-Construction And Remix]
The 69 Eyes - Sister Of Charity [Arranging/Co writing]
Kris kylven & Holeg - The Drill [EP]
Juno Reactor - Hotaka [Kris Kylven remix]
Male Or Female - (a.k.a Font 242 ) - Woofer "3 remixes" (DysMortal Dub Remix)(Dark Angel "Deeper"Remix) (Dark Angel "Harder"Remix)
The 69 Eyes - Stigmata "3 remixes" [gothic remix][demonic remix][prophecy remix]
Spies - Headless Angel [Kris Kylven remix] & Wideshot [the faithealers remix]
Implant - Exodus [Dream Stealer Remix]
Killing Joke - Savage freedom [Kris Kylven & UX remix]

Kris is also currently finalizing An Album With Remixes & Various Unreleased Tracks including bands like: Marilyn Manson, Siouxsie & The Banshees, Einstürzende Neubauten, Scary valentine And Many More...

Official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/KrisKylven


He started his radio career in 1991 at HOT LIPS FM and one year later he moved to HIT FM where he stayed for 8 months presenting an after midnight talk show. Next stop was LIFE 89,2 FM where he presented "N.K.A. Talk Show" and "Project Stavropoulos". The last of his 3,5 year stay on LIFE 89,2 FM was the birth of his -until today existing- radio show "Insomnia".

Next stop was NRG 105,5 in the summer of 1998 and after a year he moved to his next stop on the media, BLUE SKY 107,2 FM presenting "Insomnia" every morning untill 2001. After the radio stations were shut down by the goverment he produced a weekly late night tv show at BLUE SKY TV under the same name while at the same time he was in charge for the night zone turning it into a "dance zone" for the tv station till the end of November 2001.

In 2005 he joined the crew of Free Radio 98,0 Fm Athens continuing the "Insomnia" legacy while he parallely did a weekly radio talk show for Hotstation.gr on the web. In 2007 he became the head programm manager of Free Radio 98,0 Fm Athens while he continued to host "Insomnia" till 2010. In 2010 he established the LIFE 892 RADIO on the web along with a friend making it one of the most respected underground electronic dance music web radios in Greece.

Now he still hosts his show "Insomnia" on a bi-weekly basis while he also produces the "Destination Sunshine Radio Show" which is being broadcasted weekly for various FM and Web Radios all over Greece.

Official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ChrisOblivionGr
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