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Resurrection vol. 2 "The Warehouse Project"

Έναρξη Νέου Θέματος   Απάντηση σε Μήνυμα    Forums -> Εμφανίσεις, Συναυλίες, Δισκογραφία

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Mέλος από: Aug 30, 2012
Μηνύματα: 36

ΜήνυμαΣτάλθηκε: Κυριακή 12 Ιαν 2014, 21:05 GMT    Τίτλος Μηνύματος: Resurrection vol. 2 "The Warehouse Project" Απαντηση με παραβολή κειμένου

Οι Shut the F*ck Up Parties, οι Not Sober Parties και οι Enter the Void σε συνεργασία με την Darknet Promotion σας παρουσιάζουν το Resurrection vol. 2 - "The Warehouse Project"!

- Θα λειτουργεί πούλμαν από το σταθμό Ελαιώνα προς το Βυρσοδεψείο.

House, Tech house, Electro, Trap, Dubstep, DnB, Techno, Goa

Music by:

Postriper, Yaz., MNDL (STFU Parties)

March, Raidless (Not Sober)

Lardas, HerbaLiZaH (Enter the Void)

Antoni Bios (Fresh04/Dancepush)

Sickfest (Trust Radio)

Guest KRIS KYLVEN (UX Dj / Live gig)

Kris Kylven , born in France (With a Corsican, Arabian & Canadian Family Heritage) is a DJ, Remixer, Producer, Electronic Drummer & Visual Artist, Lived mainly In London & Helsinki now based in Ljubljana. He was member of many respected and established bands like: Juno Reactor (responsible for the music of Matrix Reloaded / Matrix Revolutions), Killing Joke ( Post Punk Band & 80 s Fame), UX (Pioneer Psychedelic Trance Act on Dragonfly Records / Kissthesound Records), Kiwa (Nu Breaks Up Coming Project), Kloq (Cross Over Electro / Pop / Rock), Marilyn Manson, Holeg Spies (Freaky Electro Dancefloor from France/ Japan), Syb unity Nettwerk (Pioneer Psychedelic Goa Trance Act on Transient & Flying Rhino Records), Kris Kylven & Syb - Sonic (Chill Out Project on Kissthesound Records), The Faithealers (with Mark Nomen on Atomic Reactor JR Label / Kissthesound Records)

Entry 5€ με Μπύρα
Ποτό 4€, Μπύρα 3€, Σφηνάκι 1€

Supported by:

- One Love:

- PinokioTrue:

- Elocin Photography:

- Brainshot:

- Darknet Promotion:

- Neopolis:

Βυρσοδεψειο / Vyrsodepsio
Orfeos 174, Votanikos, 11855 Athens, Greece
Χάρτης: http://www.stigmap.gr/odos84030-orfeos-174.html
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