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Resurrection vol. 3

Έναρξη Νέου Θέματος   Απάντηση σε Μήνυμα    Forums -> Εμφανίσεις, Συναυλίες, Δισκογραφία

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Mέλος από: Aug 30, 2012
Μηνύματα: 36

ΜήνυμαΣτάλθηκε: Σάββατο 5 Απρ 2014, 13:42 GMT    Τίτλος Μηνύματος: Resurrection vol. 3 Απαντηση με παραβολή κειμένου

Στις 11 Απριλίου οι Shut the F*ck Up Parties και οι Enter the Void σε συνεργασία με την Darknet Promotion σας φέρνουν το Resurrection vol. 3 παρουσιάζοντας τους AJAPAI (JP) + D-JAHSTA (GR) μαζί με το massive 28 kW CLEARSOUND SOUNDSYSTEM (BG).

Λεωφόρος Κηφισού 100 (Δίπλα στον σταθμό ΚΤΕΛ Κηφισού).

Facebook Event Page

Μετάβαση στο X-BATTERY stage:


Από Ομόνοια:
051 Ομόνοια - Σταθ. Υπερ. Λεωφ. Κηφισού

Από Πειραιά:


ΔΩΡΕΑΝ πούλμαν από το σταθμό Ελαιώνα
ή μετά επιβίβαση στο λεωφορείο 420 ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑΣ - ΑΓ. ΑΝΑΡΓΥΡΟΙ (Μέσω ΚΗΦΙΣΟΥ)
ή 10 λεπτά περπάτημα από (Ιερά Οδός - Κηφισός)

**Trap, Dubstep, DnB**

Music by:


D-Jahsta (GR):

Disphonia (GR):

Insom (GR):

Myselor (GR):

Camelorg (GR):

Headah Freaq (GR):

Postriper, Yaz., MNDL (Mindless) (STFU Parties)

Lardas, HerbaLiZaH (Enter the Void)

More info


Ajapai is easily one of the sickest dubstep producers on the scene. Hailing from Tokyo, Japan, the music he conjures up is like no other- a constant barrage of unique noises tailored to be a pure assault of the senses right from the get go. His first dubstep release 'What do you hear?' hit #3 on the Beatport charts and put him firmly on the map as a force to be reckoned with. It wasn't long before he joined the growing stable of talent on Rottun Recordings. He also started up his own label, Ajapai Entertainment, which has numerous successes including a remix of "Incoming" ended up getting #1 on Beatports drum n bass chart. It even went on to secure a Beatport Annual award, which is testament to the fact that this man means business.

Ajapai's EP's on Rottun have absolutely floored audiences all over the world and have charted amazingly well, consistently landing in the top 3 on the dubstep charts. The release "Before The Sun" with Excision and Downlink hit No.1 on that chart. Also he sighed Steve Aoki's label "Dim Mak", already released massive ep on that label. His latest release "Blast Off" with Excision which is as "Destroid" is just destroying EDM scene. Over the last couple of years Ajapai has toured internationally in Europe, Canada, and America. The completely and utter destruction he releases on dance floors can only be understood by witnessing his DJ sets live for yourself. With a style like no other and a commitment to quality, it is guaranteed that the only direction for Ajapai to go is straight up!!!

**Entry 7€ με Μπύρα
Ποτό 5€, Μπύρα 3€, Σφηνάκι 1€

Supported by:

- One Love:
- PinokioTrue:
- Elocin Photography:
- Brainshot:
- Darknet Promotion:
- Neopolis:
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