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STFU Present: Genetix (7Sins Closing Season Event)

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Mέλος από: Aug 30, 2012
Μηνύματα: 36

ΜήνυμαΣτάλθηκε: Πέμπτη 11 Ιουλ 2013, 23:23 GMT    Τίτλος Μηνύματος: STFU Present: Genetix (7Sins Closing Season Event) Απαντηση με παραβολή κειμένου

STFU Present: Genetix

Η ομαδα των STFU σε συνεργασια με το 7Sins Club στο τελευταιο gig για την season προσκαλει τους βρετανους dubstep παραγωγους της Circus Recs/Big Tuna, Genetix. Μαζι τους τα μελη της Αθηναικης ομαδας των STFU, Postriper-Yaz-MNDL- καθως και guests οι Headah Freaq και Insom.


Genetix is the combination of two people, Matt Sharp and Rich Dawson.The pair started out producing D&B in late 2006 under various alias's and built up a large catalogue of vinyl and digital releases. Having produced they're fair share of D&B they decided to try they're hands at dubstep. They're debut production "Squid Attack" caught the attention of the scene in a big way with support from the likes of Nero, Sub Focus, Flux Pavillion,Funtcase and more recently Skrillex amongst many others. The track was released late 2010.

Since then the duo have continued to raise the bar with many vinyl and digital releases across all aspects of dubstep. A collab with Funtcase and some of they're solo tracks saw releases on Circus Records amonst others. They're remix shedule has been a hectic one to say the least with artists such as Kelly Clarkson, Timabaland, Drumsound and Bassline Smith and Aquasky under they're belts.

Genetix's deeper productions have also made a big impact with support from Youngsta,J Kenzo, Skream and Benga, N-Type & Walsh amonst many others. Genetix also completed 3 daily dose's of dubstep for Mista Jams 1xtra show. It's 2013 and Genetix have launched they're own label "Big Tuna" The first release entitled "$$$ Ep" saw support from Skream and Benga on radio 1 and reached no.7 in the beatport chart. You can expect to see many more releases in future from the Big Tuna camp.


The STFU began in October of 2010 promoting the dubstep/dnb scene. Having booked guests including Modestep,Datsik,Roksonix,Zeds Dead,Eptic ,50Carrot,Audio,Pendulum,Dodge&Fuski+ xKore,Calvertron,16bit, Dubba Jonny,Doctor P,Skism,Funtcase and many more STFU managed to establish itself as one of the most well known crews in Greece. All the crew are working on major parties for another year wt upcoming guests Cookie Monsta and many more.


Insom is the Drum&Bass solo project of Gabriel Mentis, born in 1987 and raised in Athens, Greece. From an early age Gabriel began classical music studies, learning to play the violin and participating in school bands. As a teenager, he discovered cubase, and started exeprimenting with electronic sounds, while Insom was his graffiti name for years.

After awhile of learning how to lay down beats he upped his style by producing Drum & Bass, mostly Neurofunk. From 2007 till 2010 free tracks and Eps came in netlabels such as 33 Recordings and others. In 2011 he had his first official release with the track "Times of Terror", which came out on Germans Drum & Bass label Trust In Music, on their "Last second chance" EP. Till then he has released music for labels such as Ammunition, Close 2 Death, Mindtech, Future Funk, m-Atome, Melting Pot, Audio Theory ... Being a member of the Urban Danja crew, he has organised and headlined all over greece, including international guests such as Gridlok, Optiv, Nocturnal, Trei, amongst others.

He has participated and played in festivals and parties such as, 'Athens Legalize Protestival' for the last four years, 'Athens Digital Week' 2010, and 'Music & Culture' festival 2011. His tracks are receiving major support lately, from "Renegade Hardware Podcasts" to Jade's and Billain's sets, and the future seems exciting !

Headah Freaq

Headah Freaq is Spyros Sellas, a producer from the capital city of Greece, Athens, born in 1995. Started producing in November of 2010 and quickly developing his own sound, this artist has big ambitions for his future in Dubstep. Always had an interest in music from a young age, enchased by theoretical music knowledge and a variety of knowledge about playing a few music instruments. He is mostly influenced from genres like Hip Hop, Metal and Drum n' Bass, as well as soundtracks from Thrillers and movies in general. Having been DJing with many well known DJ's and crews and collaborating with respectable producers, this artist is keen to put his mark on the scene. Although his output is strictly Dubstep for the time being, his love of bass music means you can expect to hear a variety of styles and genres from him in the future.

7Sins Club
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