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Natural High (Nat211) Azax Syndrom Live

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Mέλος από: Aug 30, 2012
Μηνύματα: 36

ΜήνυμαΣτάλθηκε: Τρίτη 12 Μαρ 2013, 01:29 GMT    Τίτλος Μηνύματος: Natural High (Nat211) Azax Syndrom Live Απαντηση με παραβολή κειμένου

+ 7 Sins club

One of the hottest and most Favourite Artist in the Athenian audience!!!

(Drive Records,Israel)


Azax Syndrom is Regev Azaria from Israel. His musical background is heavy metal, in the early 90's Azax was a lead singer in a metal band. Few years later he was exposed to electronic music, and psytrance parties, and was fascinated by this sound. Since then he was collecting and playing Trance music, and after being a DJ for some years he started to make his own music at the beginning of 2003.

Combining his musically background with his trance influences, Azax was in search for fresh and innovative sound! The result was powerful music, always pushing to the max. Heavy riffs, crisp metal melodies, pumping baselines and heavy beats, all packed in together, wrapped with his unique buildup and cutting edge production generates extreme dance floor music. His unique style of music gained very fast global recognition, and azax became one of the most demanded acts worldwide.

At 2003 his first co-album "Voices of madness (Parvati Records)" was released, and was considered as a milestone in modern psy-trance music. Many people consider it as a masterpiece. Since then azax has been touring the globe, playing at every important stage and festival, spreading his sound and vision to the masses... his first solo album "Evolution" was released at April 2007, at 3dvision records. And was a huge success worldwide. later on this year his compilation "The Exploding Man" was released, featuring mega hits such as cutting edge science, and the exploding man.

His third album "Round 1", collaboration with Bliss, was released at May 2009 at drive records, setting new standards in psy music, and production skills. This album was immediately a mega hit at dance floors worldwide, and was the most demanded sound of that year. At 2010 Azax released a digital EP "Overload", featuring 2 new collaboration tracks and a mega remix to Talamasca's hit overload. During his career, azax has many tracks featured at various compilations, in all top international major labels. Also azax has many collaboration tracks with various artists from all around the world.

2011 his new collaboration album with star producer Bliss, "Round 2" is about to release. This one is meant straight for dance floors, giving their fans what they love so much... Round 2 is declared....2013 Get ready for battle!



+Natural High djs in special grooves:

(Natural High,Velvet Vision)

TRITOSTEP aka Dimitrio Nats
(Natural High SoundSystem)

(Natural High,Optic Alchemy)


Fluo Deco:by Optic Alchemy
Sound System Tuning by N.H.
Projection by Natural Labs
Uv Lights & atmosphere!
Natural High Mini Shop(t-shirts ect)

Start:24:00 till late...
ENTRANCE:12euro + 1 Beer or Wine!
***350 Limited Tickets***

@ 7 Sins Club
Themistokleous & Gambetta -
Exarxeia Area - Kaniggos Square

e-mail: dancephotocopy@gmail.com
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