Live 8 - One Campaign

Mουσική : Μουσικά νέα - Συναυλίες - Δισκογραφία

One Person - One Voice - One HopeInternational stars such as Bono, Bob Geldof and Dave Matthews announced "Live 8", a series of free global concerts to take place on July 2. "Live 8" concerts will be held simultaneously in Philadelphia, PA; London, England; Rome, Italy; Paris, France; and Berlin, Germany. The "Live 8" concerts are part of the ONE Countdown to the G8 Summit to urge President Bush and other leaders of the world's 8 wealthiest nations to save millions of lives when they meet together in Scotland, July 5th to 8th.

The global concerts will feature performances by a historic line up of artists including Dave Matthews Band, U2, Jay Z, Paul McCartney, Black Eyed Peas, Stevie Wonder, Mariah Carey and many, many more!

This year marks 20 years since LIVE AID, the biggest charity concert ever staged. This time, the concerts will not be asking for your money, but your voice. Your voice is urgently needed to urge President Bush to Make Poverty History at the G8 summit.

A child dies every 3 seconds from poverty

As part of the ONE Countdown to the G8, we invite you to join us at Live 8 and the Long Walk to Justice Events including:

ONE rally in Washington, DC on July 1st hosted by George Clooney.
Live 8 concert in Philadelphia, PA on July 2nd and Long Walk to Justice send off to the G8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland.
Together, we will let President Bush know that the American people are counting on his leadership to make the simple, but powerful decisions necessary to save millions of lives around the world.

Click here to learn more about this historic effort and stay tuned for more updates as the details unfold. Invite Your Friends to Join ONE Today.


The ONE Team

P.S. To kick off our Countdown to the G8 Summit, please join us at one of more than 150 events taking place tomorrow in over 20 states across the nation. To find an event near you, click here.

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Θα εμφανίζεται ως εξής: Live 8 - One Campaign

Σχετικές Θεματικές Ενότητες

Θέατρο - Κινηματογράφος - ΤηλεόρασηΘέματα γενικού ενδιαφέροντοςΜουσικά νέα - Συναυλίες - Δισκογραφία

Συντάκτης: LavantiS
Αναγνώσεις: 3612
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