Γιορτάζει ο Ευσέβιος

Forthcoming war

Editorial : Σημείωμα του εκδότη

Are you ready for war? Feeling lucky punk? (a bit of Callahan arises inside me!) So, how you really feel about it? I know, it must be easy enough to say.. "I'm getting into war with Iraq, while being in Western Europe, or Even in America.
Hello all! It's been exactly a month since this page was properly updated.. So, it's about time! We were here all the time, as you already probably know, since your requests and messages are updated daily on our radio stream and new songs and releases are imported in HotStation's playlist.. Artists like Giannis Aggelakas, Elli Paspala, Xristos Thivaios, and more..

Everyone OK out there? Are you ready for war? Feeling lucky punk? (a bit of Callahan arises inside me!) So, how you really feel about it? I know, it must be easy enough to say.. "I'm getting into war with Iraq, while being in Western Europe, or Even in America. But what if "getting into war" ment that both countries will attach each other.. And not just the one attacking and the other trying to defend its people and territory (OK, also their ideas, believes, etc). What if England was asked to fight France.. And just England.. Not everyone vs. France. Would that be an easy decision then? So, if some people (English, American, etc) don't want the damned war, knowing that they only risking resources (material and manpower) that will send out there how much against the war would they be if they also have to risk their jobs, cars, houses, lives as Iraqi people do.. WITHOUT even having a choice to decide their selves...

We'll be back live on air this Friday evening.. Around 23:00 Greek Local time.. Take care everybody!

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Θα εμφανίζεται ως εξής: Forthcoming war

Σχετικές Θεματικές Ενότητες

Σημείωμα του εκδότη

Συντάκτης: LavantiS
Αναγνώσεις: 6205
Εκτύπωση Εκτύπωση

Βαθμολογία άρθρου:

Μέση βαθμολογία: 0 / 5
Αριθμός Ψήφων: 0

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