80s special shows & 80s contest!

Editorial : Σημείωμα του εκδότη

This Sunday, November 30th, starts our special section in 80s dance music scene. In these shows you will have the chance to listen artists like Yazzoo, Eurythmics, Sandra, Falco, Soft Cell, Madonna, Europe, Blondie, and many more.

These special music sections in our radio program will be 2 hours long, except of Sunday that will be 4 continious hours with 80s hits. The shows will be on daily basis, but in different time each day and during this event will give you the chance to win a special made audio cd feturing the best 80s trakcs... Read the details at the end of the editorial..

The decision on the theme of our special sections was taken by you, voting the previous week on our site. This poll showed that 80s dance was the big winner.. Our intention is to keep up with these special sections in the future, playing lots of different music genres. The ones you are voting for via our site and polls. If you think that there is music category that is missing from our poll, please let us know about it, and will add it as an option there!

In order to enter (and win) one of the 80s CDs we are giving away, all you have to do is...

At the end of the 80s week, the most popular songs will be announced and TEN (10) listeners that voted for one (or more) of best trio, will receive by post a special made cd, with the most popular HotStation 80s songs!
Send in your votes for the three songs via email at 80s@hotstation.gr.

To find out when the next 80s show starts, click here to view our shows' schedule.

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Θα εμφανίζεται ως εξής: 80s special shows & 80s contest!

Σχετικές Θεματικές Ενότητες

Σημείωμα του εκδότηΜουσικά νέα - Συναυλίες - Δισκογραφία

Συντάκτης: LavantiS
Αναγνώσεις: 9820
Εκτύπωση Εκτύπωση

Βαθμολογία άρθρου:

Μέση βαθμολογία: 5 / 5
Αριθμός Ψήφων: 3

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