Sexy cakes in ..trouble!
Ημερομηνία Τετάρτη, 02 Μάρ 2005 @ 07:00 Θέμα/Κατηγορία Κατινιές και Gossip!
Αποστολέας LavantiS
A Belgian woman is suing a baker who is selling small erotic marzipan figures for Valentine's Day.
She says the cakes, depicting sexual positions, should not be on display in the baker's shop window.
Baker Van Buggenhout told Het Laatste Nieuws: "It's only fun. The figurines don't show sexual organs.
"People laugh when they see them and buy them to give to their wives or girlfriends."
But the woman, a neigbour of the shop, says putting them in the window is like exposing children to pornography.